Announcement Archive
Election of State Employee Representatives to the Board of Trustees of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System Feb 10, 2022 - A memo to non-faculty employees of the University of Tennessee participating in TCRS.
Direct Deposit Change Requirement Feb 9, 2022 - The UT System is constantly working to further improve the security of direct deposit and combat the ever-increasing number of fraudulent attempts to bank accounts.
2022 Annual Enrollment begins Oct. 1 Sep 29, 2021 - Each year, annual enrollment is your chance to choose benefits or make benefit changes that will be effective Jan. 1. The annual enrollment period for calendar year 2022 coverage is from Oct. 1 - Oct. 15.
Employee Contributions for Health Savings Account Oct 14, 2015 - With the Health Savings CDHP insurance option, employees may set aside funds tax-free (in addition to the State contribution for Wellness participants) to pay for qualified medical, dental, and vision expenses. These funds will be deducted from your paychecks in 2016 and can be started, changed, or stopped at anytime by completing the Health Savings Account Authorization Form and returning it to the Payroll Office.
First Tennessee PayCard Solution Mar 18, 2015 - University of Tennessee employees are required to participate in Direct Deposit. A new option for employees is the First Tennessee PayCard.
Graduate Fee Waiver Taxation Feb 23, 2012 - In October of 2010, the Internal Revenue Service issued guidance clarifying the federal income tax treatment of graduate tuition waivers provided by educational institutions.
Regular Employee Graduate Fee Waiver Taxation Dec 20, 2011 - In October of 2010, the Internal Revenue Service issued guidance clarifying the federal income tax treatment of graduate tuition waivers provided by educational institutions.
Employee Holdback Processing Dec 7, 2010 - The employee holdback for biweekly payrolls is designed to help employees manage the cash flow from their paychecks by helping to equalize the net pay between the first and second paychecks of the month.