A. Check Register

Each department must verify the accuracy of its payroll by using the Check Register. Timely verification of the payroll results using this report is required as part of the University’s internal controls.

To print the Check Register, use transaction ZPR_DETAIL_CHECK_REGISTER. Departments must run this report two days prior to payday to verify that the individuals listed are active employees and that the amounts paid are appropriate. This report lists the gross and net amounts paid by check and direct deposit on the current payroll to employees administratively responsible to the cost center. A signed copy of the check register must be retained in the department.

If any errors are found in the payroll, please notify the campus payroll office or the UWA Payroll Office immediately. Instructions for producing this report may be found within the IRIS help documentation at https://irishelp.tennessee.edu/gm/folder-1.11.4341.


B. Payroll Cost Distribution Report

As an additional verification measure, you may also print the Payroll Distribution Report using transaction ZPR_CC_WBS_DIST. This report details the payroll charges posted to a paying cost center or WBS element. These charges should be checked against each employee’s scheduled pay or time reported. If any discrepancies are found, please notify the campus payroll office or the UWA Payroll Office immediately. Instructions for producing this report may also be found within the help documentation at https://irishelp.tennessee.edu/gm/folder-1.11.4269.

If you have employees who do not receive their online pay statement email notification one day prior to pay day, please remind them that they can access their statement by either visiting the IRIS Web Portal (https://irisweb.tennessee.edu/irj/portal/OnlinePayStatement) or the IRIS Mobile app on their phone or tablet (https://irismobile.tennessee.edu/fiori#RemunerationStatement-display). Users will authenticate using their NetID and password. They do not need to receive the email in order to view their pay statement online.

For questions concerning these procedures, please call the UWA Payroll Office at 865-974-5251.